Brighton youth graduate preschool Education by The Seminole Tribune - June 27, 2012 By Andrea Holata BRIGHTON — On May 17 at the Brighton Gymnasium, 20 preschoolers received their diplomas, closing the first chapter of their academic career. Brighton Board Rep. Larry Howard welcomed everyone and asked Tribal member Salina Dorgan to give the invocation as parents, family and friends came into the gymnasium for the graduation. After Dorgan’s prayer, the preschoolers took the stage for the Pledge of Allegiance and a welcome song. The children also provided entertainment by singing a numbers song and performing Old MacDonald Had a Farm in their native Creek language. One by one, each graduate introduced themselves and who their parents are in Creek. Following the introductions, the guests were treated to a slideshow of pictures of all the graduating preschoolers. The pictures showed each preschooler since they were babies. Then, it was time for the preschoolers’ big moment. As their parents lined the front of the stage, each student lined up, dressed in their caps and gowns. One by one, each student’s name was called, and they walked to their parents, gave them a hug and a rose and walked to Rep. Howard, who handed them their preschool diplomas. In closing, Rep. Howard said a few words of encouragement to the parents and handed over the microphone to Preschool director Leona Tommie Williams for a blessing of the food. “These kids are our future – the future of our Tribe,” Rep. Howard said. Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share