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Virtual webinar to focus on Covid-19 in Indian Country

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — A three-part series on health equity in Indian Country will begin with a virtual roundtable discussion Sept. 9. The Native American Journalists Association will host “Leading the Way: Indian Country and Covid-19 Vaccinations,” a live question and answer forum at 4 p.m. (ET) via Zoom. Click here to register.

The discussion will cover successes and challenges of vaccination programs in Indian Country and share data from the American Covid-19 Vaccine Poll, a national survey focused on overcoming obstacles to full and equitable vaccination coverage. The program will also discuss pathways to overcome remaining vaccine hesitancy in Native communities.

Jourdan Bennett-Begaye (Díne), managing editor of Indian Country Today, will host the program. Participants will include Raymond Foxworth (Navajo) from First Nations Development Institute, and Adrianne Maddux (Hopi Tribe of Shungapavi) from Denver Indian Health and Family Services.
