Recreation Department holds first Jr. Archery 3-D Shoot Out Sports by The Seminole Tribune - April 2, 2013 By Emma Johns BRIGHTON — The bow and arrow, once used for war and hunting, is still used by Seminoles today – mostly for the sport of archery, although bow hunting seems to be making a strong comeback. On Feb. 23, the Recreation Department hosted the first Jr. Archery 3-D Shoot Out in the woods on the Brighton Reservation to offer youth a chance to hone their archery skills through friendly competition. Because the targets were life-size replicas of various game animals, competitors shot in “3-D.” The replicas were constructed of dense foam and had scoring rings that indicate preferred shot placement for each species. The targets were placed strategically throughout the woods to emulate a realistic hunting situation, and archers stood at stakes placed at varying distances from the target. The archers shot from stakes according to their age. Eecho Billie, 11, made his way through the course with great skill and technique. “I like bow shooting because it helps kids that have never shot learn how to shoot,” he said. “And it is important to shoot a bow because one day, if they stop making bullets, a bow would come in handy and it is also a part of our tradition.” There were three different class formats for the event: The first was bare bow, meaning participants had to use their fingers and no sight. The second was limited shooters, meaning participants had to use their fingers and could use a sight. And the last was unlimited shooters, meaning participants could use a release and a sight. No scopes, range finders or crossbows were allowed. Aidan Tommie, 11, has only been shooting for about three months and has already decided his favorite bow is a compound bow. Tommie was a top competitor at the shoot, placing in all three divisions. Recreation employee and archery instructor Jason Tommie hopes the competition will trigger the interest of more youth and encourage them to get involved in the sport and other activities Recreation offers. He wants to make the Shoot Out an annual event. “Our main goal is to get kids consistent with practicing and to hopefully form a team that can start shooting competitively,” Tommie said. Archery practices are held regularly. Contact the Recreation Department for more information. Barebow Division Results: 6-8 years old: First place, Deagan Osceola. 9-11 years old: First place, Eecho Billie; second place, Connor Thomas; third place, Aidan Tommie. 12-14 years old: First place: Pernell Bert; second place, Jaden Puente; third place, Jathan Tommie. 15-18 years old: First place, Yopalakiyo Osceola. Limited Division Results: 9-11 years old: First place, Aidan Tommie; second place, Eecho Billie; third place, Connor Thomas. 12-14 years old: First place, Raylon Eagle. Unlimited Division Results: 6-8 years old: First place, Deagan Osceola. 9-11 years old: First place, Connor Thomas; second place, Aidan Tommie; third place, Drake Lawrence. 12-14 years old: First place, Raylon Eagle. Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share