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Seminole Scenes: March 2022

TRIBAL RECOGNITION: American rock band Portugal. The Man performed March 5 at Hard Rock Live in Hollywood with British band alt-J. Before the show began, members of Portugal. The Man invited two members of the Seminole Tribe on stage to thank them for sharing their land and allowing them to perform. From left, are tribal members Ledonna Tucker and Amy Clay, along with Portugal. The Man bassist Zachary Scott Carothers. (Hard Rock)
POOL DUEL: Lonnie Billie plays a friendly game of pool at the Big Cypress Senior Center on March 9. A tournament with eight men and two women had finished up, but these two were game to play some more. (Photo Beverly Bidney)
POOL DUEL: Vince Billie also participated in the tournament. (Photo Beverly Bidney)
THUNDER ARRIVES: “Distant Thunder,” a Native musical production, opened at the new First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City on March 23 for a five-night run. The show features the Seminole Tribe’s Spencer Battiest, center. (Miki Galloway)
THUNDER ARRIVES: Spencer Battiest, center. (Miki Galloway)