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Mo Ballin in Hollywood

HOLLYWOOD — The Mo Ballin Tour came to Hollywood for two days in March.

Led by former New Mexico State University basketball player Monique Bribiescas, the tour provided training in all phases of the game at the Howard Tiger Recreation Center.

Bribiescas was an Adidas Top 10 All-American and Player of the Year in high school in the early 2000s in Arizona.

After being a high school coach for six years, she started Mo Ballin Training. She works with WNBA, overseas, college, high school and junior high school players.

Monique Bribiescas, CEO of Mo Ballin Basketball Training, coaches young Tribal members Mar. 9 at the Howard Tiger Recreation Center in Hollywood. (Photo Derrick Tiger)
The youth basketball players celebrate with a group huddle. (Photo Derrick Tiger)
Participants in one of the age groups gather for a group photo with Monique Bribiescas. (Photo Derrick Tiger)

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