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Kindergarten grads show can-do attitude

Graduation02BRIGHTON — Coconut palm trees and funny monkeys set the scene May 27 for the sweet and giddy graduation of the Pemayetv Emahakv Charter School kindergarten class of 2014.

Children paraded onto the Brighton Veteran’s Building stage to sing a lineup of melodies that spelled things (“Party in the Jungle”), counted things (“Five Little Monkeys”) and inspired the house to stand up and shout (“Boom Chica Boom”).

But moving upward into first grade of elementary school is a serious matter, said principal Brian Greseth.

“Thirty years ago kindergarten kids just learned to play and socialize. They learned letters and sounds of letter. Now, they are reading books, writing words and knowing all their numbers. Our kindergartners have come a long way,” Greseth said.

Brighton Board Rep. Larry Howard awarded the nearly 30 students headed to first grade with plenty of praise.

“You make us all proud – your Tribe proud, your parents proud and the entire school proud,” Rep. Howard said.

Each child received a certificate of completion. Many collected awards in improvement, language, citizenship and other categories.

Greseth spurred all, even parents, to continue learning all summer long.

“Children can slip back three or four months or grow even more. Whether you plan experiences like going to the beach or doing other projects, be sure that you continue reading together and learning together,” Greseth said.

