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Best in show: Seminole Tribe 4-H winners

Clockwise from left are 4-H winners Logan Covarrubias, Nicholus Andrews, Talia Billie and Summer Gopher. (Courtesy photos)

The recently-completed 4-H year was anything but typical. The show and sale were held online. It took five days to complete the show and bidders for animals didn’t get the aroma of the 4-H barn while bidding.
Additionally, winners of the 4-H show held March 22-26 didn’t find out they won until a few days later, when they opened their front doors. Staff members surprised the winners by going to their homes and planting a sign in the front yard to announce the honor.
Each participant in the show was given a blue ribbon. All champion winners received a belt buckle, champion rosette and the yard sign.

The winners were:

Grand champion commercial heifer
Rebekah Tigertail

Reserve champion commercial heifer
Paizlee Miller

Grand champion cow calf
Khoal Cochran

Grand champion registered
Salacoa Valley Farms heifer
Timothy Urbina

Reserve champion registered
Salacoa Valley Farms heifer
Khoal Chochran

Grand champion heifer
showmanship junior
Khoal Cochran

Grand champion heifer
showmanship intermediate
Rebekah Tigertail

Grand champion heifer
showmanship senior
Karlyne Urbina

Grand champion steer
Logan Covarrubias

Reserve champion steer
Nicholus Andrews

Grand champion steer
showmanship junior
Augustice Jumper

Grand champion steer
showmanship intermediate
Summer Gopher

Grand champion steer
showmanship senior
Talia Billie

Steer carcass winners
Grand champion steer carcass
Rylee Bowers

Reserve champion steer carcass
Karlyne Urbina

Grand champion swine
Anna Tigertail

Reserve champion swine
Levi Tommie

Grand champion swine
showmanship junior
Terrance Osceola

Grand champion swine
showmanship intermediate
Anna Tigertail

Grand champion swine
showmanship senior
Shyanna Escobar

Swine carcass winners
Grand champion swine carcass
Karma Koenes

Reserve champion swine carcass
Taryn Osceola

4-H show winners pose with their yard signs. Clockwise from top left are Anna Tigertail, Levi Tommie, Shyanna Escobar and Terrance Osceola.(Courtesy photos)