Halapata Chobee: big alligator! Arts & Entertainment Community News by Justin Giles - January 31, 2020January 31, 2020 Happy New Year! As I practice the annual beneficial cliché of reflecting on the year past, it has come to my attention that 2020 marks two years I’ve been working for the Seminole Tribe of Florida as the oral history coordinator at the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum. These past two years have flown
Community Outreach: Hello Seminole Arts & Entertainment Community by Justin Giles - May 7, 2019 Spring is in full bloom and the love bugs are beginning to connect with the windshield of my Jeep. This also means that the temperatures are rising and soon summer will be in full swing. Time flies on the Big Cypress Reservation and that is a good indication that I’m
Lacrosse: Native sport, Native life Community by Justin Giles - May 31, 2018May 31, 2018 Memorial Day weekend is a hallowed holiday in which we remember and honor our military personnel who died or were wounded in battle. It is a great tradition that many in Indian Country know well as we often have a relative who served or is serving in the armed forces.