STOF’s 4-H program to hold online livestock auction Community by The Seminole Tribune - March 25, 2021September 19, 2024 Immokalee 4-H’ers, including Homer Beltran, showed nine hogs at the 4-H grounds March 24, 2021, as a camera crew covered each competitor. The 4-H’s virtual livestock auction will start March 30. (Photo Beverly Bidney) The Seminole Tribe of Florida’s 4-H program will offer a livestock online auction March 30-31. This is a click-to-bid auction, not a live auction. Several exhibitors are high school seniors and a large number are first-time exhibitors. Bids can be made on any of the exhibitors’ livestock. Bidders can check to see the status of their bid or they have an option to be notified of when they are outbid. To bid, go to and follow these directions to create an account: Choose the Upcoming Event “2021 Seminole Tribe of Florida 4-H Livestock Sale.”Create a new account if you do not have one already (top right corner under “login”). Only items with red * are required.You will receive an email that you have successfully created an account. You should receive an email immediately after registering.Click the link that is included in the email. When the page opens, you may have to choose the “2021 Seminole Tribe of Florida 4-H Livestock Sale.”Scroll to the bottom of the screen. You will need to “sign up” for this sale. Enter your name and phone number and agree to the terms and conditions. Click on the “Sign up” button.You will not be able to view the sale roster until the auction begins March 30 at 5 p.m. Click on the “Click Here to See Sale Lot Details” link at the top of the page. Bidding will run until the end of March 31. For more information contact Kimberly Clement from the 4-H program at (863) 447-6000. Shyanna Escobar shows her hog in Immokalee on March 24, 2021, in preparation for the Seminole Tribe’s 4-H virtual livestock sale. (Photo Beverly Bidney) Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share